Track Saw Vs Table Saw. Key Differences To Know

Track Saw Vs Table Saw. The Key Differences You Need To Know

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If you still dont know the difference between a table saw vs. track saw, then youve probably bought the wrong type of saw or are very confused about what equipment you need to complete a job. We have compiled everything you need to help you make the right decision.

Differences Between A Track And Table Saw

  • Table saws pose a significant risk of injury, whereas track saws are significantly less dangerous.
  • Track saws with splinter guard can produce edges without splinters.
  • Table saws are easy to use for making rip cuts.
  • Track saws can be used to cut large sheets of sheet material that is difficult to do on a tablesaw.
  • Using a table saw is more powerful than using a track saw, even for a full sheet of material.
  • Comparing track saws vs. tables saw units makes it clear that the former can be more mobile and create square edges you can use for both.

Sheet Goods

You can easily dismantle plywood and other thick sheets with the help of a track saw. Instead of pushing large sheets of plywood through a table saw, you can just pass the equipment across the plywood.

Repeated Rip Cuts

If you need to make several cuts, a table saw can speed up the process. After each cut, the fence does not need to be reset. Once done, you can start ripping the sheet to the same width. Even the most challenging circular saws might complete the work in a fraction of the time.

Choose From Angled Or Mitered Cuts

The track saw comes in handy when you need to make a lengthy, slanted cut across a large portion of material. It could be useful for cutting panels if you make a unique desk or built-in shelf.

Is A Track Saw Capable Of Replacing A Table Saw?

Splinter-Free Cuts

A track saw can make your cuts splinter-free, one of its best attributes. Cutting plywood on the table saw with the cross grain might make splinters difficult to conceal. If you are having difficulty with your cuts, cleaning your blade might be an option.

Wider Cuts On Plywood

The insufficient cutting capabilities of a commercial table saw is an issue. Suppose you want to extend a fence by more than 71 cm. But with a track saw, there is no limit!

Ideal For Cutting Asymmetrical Edges

You can easily adjust the track saw guide to cut asymmetrical edges in MDF and plywood. You will save time and material with it.

Track Saws‘ Disadvantages

  • Because it can tip, it is harder to cut narrow boards using it. You must insert a piece of scrap wood beneath the guide to keep it at the same height as the material.
  • A table saw can normally cut roughly 8 cm deep, while a track saw’s cutting scope is 5 cm. Two cuts are required for chunky wood. It takes a lot luck and two cuts to get them in the middle.
  • It is not suitable for deep cuts as it is unstable and only has a narrow depth range.
  • If you make many cuts, the guide will need to be re-adjusted.
  • A dado stack will be hard to do on this type.

What Are Track Saws And How Do They Work?

This type of saw has a design that allows it to go on the track so that you may make exact precise cuts on the side of a hardwood board. It is more stable because the redesigned structure enables it to sit properly on the track.Depending on the task, you can choose from various products that include a range of track sizes.

While a table saw is often used to slide a piece of wood across its blade, this innovation allows you to manage the cuts by moving the blade itself.


17 cm blade size is standard on many models, but greater diameters are also available.


Bevel cuts of 45 degrees are possible with a track saw, almost like a circular saw.

Speed Adjustment

There are many track saws that can be adjusted to adjust the speed. Use the speed adjustment to avoid leaving burn traces on a certain type of wood.

Vacuum Port

Dust management on these saws is usually excellent. They allow vacuums to be attached so you can keep the workspace spotless.


A track saw’s use of an aluminum guide with grooves ensures straight cuts. These come in various sizes and may be combined to make a long track.

Types Of Tracks Saw

Standard Track Saw

This is the most popular type of track saw. This type of track saw is also used to cut plunges and as a plunger.

Cordless Track saws

This device does not rely on an electrical outlet. Instead, it uses rechargeable batteries.

Circular Saw With a Track Guide Rail

This type allows you to purchase kits and guides to convert it into your own track saw.

When To Use A Track Saw

A track saw is a great choice for novice DIYers as it allows you to make straight cuts with a compact saw. You can make freehand cuts with a tool without a guide, just like a regular handsaw.

How To Use A Track Saw

  1. Protection Our woodworking experts recommend that you use ear and/or eye protection before starting any DIY project.
  2. Pick the right type of blades For rip cuts, use a lower tooth count ripping blade; for cross cuts, use a high tooth count and larger blade diameter.
  3. Protect your workspace with foam insulation
  4. Adjust the depth of the cut
  5. Place your track in alignment with the cutting line
  6. Reduce speeds

What Is A Table Saw And How Do They Work?

Table saws are big saws that are integrated into a tabletop. These saws chop wood rather than cutting it. You may use large table saws to cut the perfect line for your project.


Their blades are usually 25 cm long. You can use this tool with a variety of different blades, just like other saws.

Blade Guard

Protecting your hand is made easier with the blade guard. Experts often remove these guards in order to speed up certain tasks.

Riving Knife

The risk of kickback is reduced if you don’t remove the riving knives.

Rip Fence

A rip fence can be used to adjust the cut width by moving it along its blade.

Height and Bevel

The saws blade is raised and lowered using this crank handle located in front. The handle can be used to rotate the saw blade for beveled cuts.

Power Switch

The power switch is often located in the front. The power switch is usually placed so you can swiftly switch it using your knee.

Push Stick

Although it isnt a component of the saw itself, it is essential. Use a push stick or a knife to keep objects from falling on the blades.

Types Of Table Saws

Benchtop Table Saw

These saws are compact and lightweight so they can be easily stored and transported.

Jobsite table saws

These saws feature stronger guides, larger tables and foldable stands.

Contractor Hybrid Table Saw

This type is more powerful, can make precise adjustments and uses accurate material.

Cabinet Table Saws

Youll have to spend extra on this power tool, but youll receive the highest quality and features you can use in any of your woodworking projects.

Pros And Cons


  • When it comes to dust management, it is superior. Many hand-held instruments have inferior port designs.
  • This saw will give you consistent results. You can create several cuts as necessary once the configuration is done.
  • Adjusting the guide is more difficult than fixing its fence or miter gauge. As a bonus, it might be more precise and save you some time.
  • This is the best tool for cutting narrow stock and repeat cuts.


  • Because it is smaller and more portable, it is not as convenient. Instead of taking the saw to your workpiece you should take it to the equipment.
  • It is the fence that limits its cutting power. It will suffice to place the blade between the fence and blade.

When To Use A Table Saw

A table saw has the advantage over a track saw in that you can cut through the board’s middle and sides. The material won’t squeeze its blades because the table beneath provides enough support. This saw can cut large chunks of wood in a way that other saws cannot.

How To Use A Track Saw

  • Protection – Wear ear and/or eye protection. Check your equipment. Turn on safety components to collect dust.
  • Adjust the blade – In general, it doesn’t matter if there is more sticking to the surface.
  • Adjust the fence – Check your measurements and fence condition to determine its cutting capability.
  • Turn your equipment on – Be prepared and have everything in place before turning on the saw.
  • Press down on the table and fence.
  • Use the push stick to keep your hand away from the blades when cutting.
  • Side Supports – For larger pieces of material, you need to support them to keep them from falling off.

How To Choose Between The Two Tools

Blade Size and Cutting Depth

The most common table saw blade diameters are 8, 10, and 30 cm. Our woodworking experts suggest that cutting materials as thick as 4 to 15 cm should be possible with these blades.


Table saws are dangerous because of their huge blades and rapid RPM. Using a circular type, you risk cutting yourself on it, and the dust you create while using saws can enter the eyes and the lungs and may cause temporary vision problems and more lasting lung damage .

Dust Removal

You can find dust removal technology in many models, but its important to examine the box before you buy one. Many brands offer an attachment that will allow you to vacuum the dust while working, making it safer and more hygienic.


How can you make a track saw stay in place?

Rubber grips can be used to cover the track’s bottom. These grips keep the track in place without causing damage to the wood. You can also put specific clamps beneath the grooves to keep them from sliding on the surface.

How much does a table saw cost?

A nice portable hybrid tablesaw should cost around €600. A cabinet saw sells for thousands of dollars, so if youre looking for affordable equipment for a job site or your shop, you may want to steer clear of it.

How to choose a good table saw?

A stationary saw is best for woodworkers who have large workspaces and regularly use a tablesaw. But if you are an occasional DIYer or only need a piece of affordable equipment, then go for a portable type of saw or models intended for smaller shops.

Are track saws as precise as table saws?

A track saw is as accurate as a table saw. However, the latter will let you create better, accurate cuts because it allows for few adjustments and quicker fence alignment. A table saw will also save you more time and effort.

Is a table saw safer than a tracksaw?

Because it has a smaller blade, a track saw is safer than a traditional table saw and can be operated at lower speeds, it is more reliable. On the other hand, a table saw is larger and difficult to move around. The exposed blade makes it more susceptible to accidents.


As explained in this track saw vs. table saw comparison, it is important that you consider the pros and cons of each piece of equipment, what they can do, and how durable both are. All these considerations will help you choose what is best for your skill level and tasks.