What File Size Do I Need For A.325 Chain?

What File Size Do I Need For A.325 Chain?

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There are many sizes available for chainsaw files and it can be difficult to choose the right one. You won’t have to pay for professional sharpening more than you need.

If you want to know what file size you need for a .325 chain, here is a quick guide from our resident woodworkers:

How Important Is It To Choose The Correct File Size

When sharpening your chainsaw chain, its essential to use the proper file size. Too small files can lead to metal wearing away too fast.

If you have the right file, however, you can still follow rule 80/20. Keep most of the material below the cutter and leave a little overhang.

You can end up damaging the blades of the chain by using a file that is too large or too small when sharpening it. If you dont have the chain completely reshaped, it will function poorly.

The simple reason is that if the chains are carved incorrectly or too much metal is removed, the chainsaw will be challenging to operate and manipulate.

Inspecting The Chain Size Details

To determine the correct file size, you must examine the details of the chain. Take a look at the following:

  • Larger file

A file with a larger diameter will eliminate the blades hook. This is what allows for efficient cutting.

  • Small file

When you use a file with a smaller diameter, it wont cover the cutters upper tip when you sharpen it.

Even though the file size may be slightly smaller, residual chips could be much larger or smaller than the original. You will lose quality and waste time and energy by using the wrong files.

A plastic roll is also available to measure the chain, clutch, file and bar. This particular roll is made for Stihl and Oregon saws. The bar can be wiped down with it as well for checking.

How To Choose The Most Accurate File Size For Your Chainsaw Chain

To choose the most accurate file size for your chainsaw chain, you have two ways to get this done:

  • Finding the type of chain

The cutters‘ side is critical information. This number refers to the chain type. Check this value against the available file size chart and select the appropriate option.

  • Chain’s Pitch

The ideal size of the chain can also be determined by its pitch. To determine the chains pitch or size, simply measure the distance between any three consecutive rivets and divide by 2. Thats it!

Be sure to check the size of the file before you begin working with it. Manufacturers may suggest different sizes depending on the model.

You must consider not only the size of the file, but also the type of file that you require. For instance, while a square edge is required for a chisel cutter, a round file is necessary for a chipper cutter.

For sharpening the depth gauge of the chainsaw, a round file is not recommended. Instead, we recommend using a flat file to maintain its shape.

The Ideal And Precise .325 File Size

Various standard chain sizes are commonly used in most parts of the world. For the.325 blade chain saw, we recommend using a 3/41 cm file and a depth gauge of.025. Several swipes with this file will show how effective metal should come off.

The 3/41 cm file size allows for precise fitting of the blade’s patterns and keeping the chain’s surface perfectly sharpened. This can be used to give the teeth a nice-sharpening edge.